

Frontier Enters Into A New Partnership With Avacare Health To Continue Its Global Expansion Into East And West Africa

  • 2022-07-25  15:45:07

Frontier Biotechnologies Inc. (Frontier) is pleased to announce our partnership with Avacare Health Group (Avacare Health) to expand access for Albuvirtide to people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Malawi, thus reaching the key countries in eastern and western Africa.

There are over six million persons living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Malawi alone, whilst Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for more than 50% of the global burden of HIV. We hope to facilitate broader access of Albuvirtide to PLHIV in this region who are most heavily affected.

Aikening® in combination with other antiretroviral treatment is effective for both major and drug-resistant HIV viral strains. The TALENT study is a Phase III clinical trial, using a two-drug formulation containing Aikening®, a long-acting infusion therapy, to treat HIV-infected patients who failed initial treatment. The results showed rapid and sustained viral suppression after treatment with a two-drug regimen using Aikening® to replace two NRTIs. The treatment effect for 48 weeks was non-inferior to standard second-line three-drug combinations.

This new partnership with Avacare Health will broaden antiretroviral therapy options and access for PHIV in Africa.

About Frontier Biotechnologies

Founded in 2013, Frontier Biotechnologies Inc. ("Frontier Biotech") is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company headquartered in China with global vision and world-class competitiveness. Frontier Biotech is committed to discovering, development, manufacturing, and commercialization of innovative medicines that improve patient health.

About Avacare Health Group

Avacare Health Group is a multinational healthcare company operating in 20 African countries, the Middle East, Asia, the US, Canada and Australia. We provide integrated, innovative and holistic health solutions. Founded in 1996, we envisioned a healthier Africa. Today, true to that vision, we’re an established, trusted healthcare brand, delivering outstanding results, year after year to Africa and beyond.

Reference: [1] Djomand G, Quaye S, Sullivan PS. HIV epidemic among key populations in west Africa. Curr Opin HIV AIDS. 2014 Sep;9(5):506-13. doi: 10.1097/COH.0000000000000090. PMID: 25010898; PMCID: PMC4804351. [2] AIDSinfo accessed: 22 July 2022

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